Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Worst Is Over

Dear Journal,
Slowly, our lives are being coming back together. The court cleared Ponyboy of any involvement with that socs death, and the juvenile court decided on keeping us together. I'm so glad that nothing has come of this. If it weren't for Johnny and Dally being dead it would be as if nothing had ever happened. Slowly, Pony is getting over Johnny's death, At the beginning he was in denial, refusing to believe that he was dead. Then he wouldn't speak to anybody. After the trial he slowly started to speak, and now he's writing a creative short story about the whole affair. His english teacher was disgusted with his plummeting marks, but Ponyboy explained the circumstances and he agreed to pass him with a good grade if he could write a good report about it all. He's calling it something called "The Outsiders" funny enough. It's not like anyone was outside of anything. Anyway, I'm really glad that the juvenile court judge let us stay together. We knew that Pony would probably get off in the murder against the soc case, but we weren't quite sure about what would happen in the other one. They couldn't go against Darry, after he dropped out of school and works two jobs to support us. The newspaper did an article about us, and they did a whole profile section on how I dropped out of school and Darry didn't go to college so that Pony could stay in school and we could stay together. I think that the judge just couldn't go against us. Thank you for always being there when all of the times were tough. Sincerely, Sodapop Curtis

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